Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Aside Oceans T-Shirt Contest

Many of you over the past several months have bought A.O. shirts and CDs and we are extremely grateful for you support. Because of your overwhelming support we are currently sold out of every shirt we had. We want to get you, our loyal fans, in on the action. Beginning soon, real soon, we will be asking you, our fans, to get involved and help us out. We know we have some fans that are true artists. What we want to do is take the following t-shirt template and mark it up with  your own original Aside Oceans t-shirt design. That's right boys and girls, we want YOU to design our next shirt. So get creative and put your minds to work. The shirt that we think is the best overall design will be the next shirt we send out for production. The winner will also receive a free shirt with his/her design on it. Turn in your design ideas at any A.O. show or email them to So let's get to it. 'Til next time...ROCK ON!!! \,,/

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! I did this with one of my artists fans too. It really is a great way to say thank you to the fans as well keep them motivated! I think its important to have fans interact and be apart of something cool. With doing that makes fans more grateful and feel they are appreciated. I am looking forward to seeing what the fans come up with!
